manager, replacing Agustín Cordón, ap-
pointed as CEO of the Zeta media group.
Constantí Serrallonga has considerable
managerial experience in both the public
and private sectors, and is a former CEO
of Transportes de Barcelona, manager at
Barcelona City Council and CEO of the
logisthics company Tradisa, among other
top posts.
Part of the Fira de Barcelona Govern-
ing Board was also reshuffled. For-
mer general manager Agustín Cordón
replaced Jordi Clos (Hotels Guild), who
left the post after serving the three terms
of office stipulated as the maximum in
the institution’s statutes. Three Govern-
ing Board members whose appointments
were renewed were Pedro Fontana (Elior
Concessions), Luis Conde (Seeliger i
Conde) and Miquel Martí (Moventia).
Fira is an example of the importance
in Barcelona of public-private sector
partnerships as a driver for success-
ful, beneficial initiatives. This approach
forms part of the very soul of Fira de
Barcelona, along with its ties to the city,
a key element in its success and its very
existence. Barcelona is Fira’s best calling
card, and the institution is proud, in turn,
to contribute to our city’s reputation and
positioning, attracting business tourism
and generating wealth and wellbeing.
The trade fair institu-
tion exemplifies
the importance of
cooperation between
the public and private
Constantí Serrallonga
(right), General Manager
of Fira de Barcelona since
December 2015, with Josep
Lluís Bonet, Chairman of
the Governing Board.
Fira de Barcelona helps to
elevate the city’s positioning,
attracting business tourism
and creating wealth and
2015 summary